Web designer by trade, mother by choice, fashion blogger by passion.

上周末,我和家人来到这个名叫Scripps College的女子文理学院野餐。因为是全女子学院的关系,校园的氛围很女性化。这张照片是我们在校园一角拍摄的,白墙、白裙、薄荷绿的门窗,是不是很有夏天的感觉?这一系列的照片将会依次上传。希望你们喜欢这一系列的第一张。



Last Sunday, I had a beautiful time with my family picnicking at this gorgeous place called Scripps College. It's a girl's college, so the ambience is very feminine. There's just to many lovely photos from this afternoon that I need time to process, yet meanwhile I can't wait to share with you just a snip of it. 


Mountain & Cloud

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