Web designer by trade, mother by choice, fashion blogger by passion.




灰色大号毛衣: Anthropologie

裙子: Bebe

鞋: ST & SAT (我在09年拜访北京时买的)

Each day, I mean literarily everyday, I am not 100% awake until I have my first sip of coffee. I'm so addicted to it. But, I don't mind this little addiction in my life, it just enriches my life. People who don't drink coffee might laugh at me, but hey who cares.

Sometimes when I'm not crazily busy I will stop by at a coffee shop before work to get my morning coffee and enjoy people watching. It's kind of fun.

Fashion items:

Grey oversize sweater: Anthropologie

Skirt: Bebe

Shoes: ST & SAT ( I got this pair from Beijing when I was visiting in 2009)

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