Web designer by trade, mother by choice, fashion blogger by passion.

如果姐妹们要为这个春季添些新衣,不如考虑一下裙裤。它不但百搭而且是经过时间考验的经典款。早在维多利亚时期女人们就开始穿裙裤(culottes). 裙裤还有一个好处就是它可优雅、可前卫。

If you plan to acquire a new piece to add to your closet for this spring, I would recommend to purchase a culottes pants. Why? It's timeless, nonchalant and chic all at the same time and you can dress it up or down. I like things that are versatile. Culottes pants is definitely one of them. Here, I'm chilling in my faux leather culottes pants from Zara, feeling effortlessly chic. 

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